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(Download) "Yuan, Ming Dynasties 元明 -Story 01-25 V2020" by David Yao * Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

Yuan, Ming Dynasties 元明 -Story 01-25 V2020

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eBook details

  • Title: Yuan, Ming Dynasties 元明 -Story 01-25 V2020
  • Author : David Yao
  • Release Date : January 29, 2020
  • Genre: Chinese,Books,Reference,Foreign Languages,
  • Pages : * pages
  • Size : 849 KB


The Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368) was China's first foreign-led dynasty, in between the Chinese Song and Ming dynasties. It was established by Kublai Khan, leader of the vast Mongol Empire, and fell into internal rebellion after it lost touch with its Mongol roots.The Ming dynasty, officially the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China ruled by Han Chinese. (Wikipedia)This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series.
中国的史书浩瀚如海,在中国历史上可歌可泣的人物和事件,不可胜数,所以大家常说:一部二十五史,不知从何说起。我们从历代的史书中,以教育性、趣味性、知识性为取材标准,用简洁的文字,将中国历史撷精择要的呈现给读者。Chinese histories are abundant. In Chinese history the stories of glorious and tragic men and events are so numerous that they cannot be counted. Therefore, people often sya, " One does not know where to begin discussing the Twenty-five Histories. " The historical stories are selected from many stroies with clear and simple wording, they present a complete Chinese history concisely to our readers.
Yuan, Ming Dynasties 元明 -Story 01-25 V2020-- Chinese History Story中国历史故事 Volume 11/14
01 序编 Preface 1
序言 2 Preface 2
序言 3 Preface 3
02 元明史鸟瞰 The Yuan dynasty and Ming dynasty overview
03 大漠英雄成吉思汗 Genghis Khan
04 马可波罗到中国 The Travels of Marco Polo
05 从放牛娃到皇帝 From shepherd boy to Emperor
06 郑和下西洋 Ming treasure voyages
07 清官海瑞 Blue-Sky Hai
08 张居正的新政 Zhang Ju Zheng's reforms
09 戚继光平定倭寇 Qi Ji Guang wipes out pirate invasion
10 宦官乱政 Eunuchs' insidious power
11 明末的党争 The factional struggles in the late Ming Dynasty
12 明朝的灭亡 Ming came to an end
13 郑成功收复台湾 Zheng Cheng Gong captured Taiwan
14 「永乐大典」的编纂 The compilation the Yong Le Compendium
15 科举考试和八股文 The civil examinations and eight-legged essay
16 王阳明的知行学说 The theory of knowledge and action
17 「窦娥冤」与「牡丹亭」 Two representative dramas-The Plight of Dou E and Peony Pavilion
18 唐伯虎與徐文長 Tang Bohu and Xu Wenchang
19 明朝四大小说 Ming Dynasty four great novels
20 明末遗民画家 The Ming Eccentrics painters
21 「本草纲目」与「天工开物」 Two China native scientific book-Pharmacopia Essentia and On Natural Creation
22 地理学家徐霞客 Geographer Xu Xiake
23 徐光启和利玛窦 Xu Guangqi and Matteo Ricci
24 晚明的版画 Late Ming woodcut prints
25 明代江南园林 Jiangnan Gardens in Ming Dynasty
25 张元素切脉 Two open-minded Doctors
26 西厢记诸宫调 Western Chamber Romance chant fable
27 文天祥正气歌 Wen Tian Xiang's Song of Honor
This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 41 books @ $ 2.4/BOOK ONLY!, 1050 articles, 18 categories. Chinese-English bilingual, Detailed explanations and expansions of Vocabularies, Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at

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